Wednesday, March 18, 2009

OMG! We have a WINNER for the Jelly Bean Contest!!!

Well, the wait is finally over and our heads hurt from all the math (ok and probably all the jelly beans we have managed to consume in an alarmingly short amount of time). The total jelly beans in the jar is 1,940.

Below is the name of the winner and the 5 closest guesses. We followed "The Price is Right" model where whoever guessed closest without going over won (although even the other way Amanda pretty much had it in the bag).

WINNER: Amanda Haan (68 under)

1. Ellen Hutchings (212 under)
2. Chris Tomczak (257 under)
3. Jason Passant (312 under)
4. Sara Foldenauer (378 under)
5. Pam Lor (440 under)

Thanks to all for playing. We will definitely be holding another contest in the next couple of months so if you didn't win this one, there will be another chance for glory soon.

In the meantime, I would make friends with Amanda. She is the proud recipient of a gift-card to the holiest of holy grocery stores in NYC--WHOLEFOODS. If you are lucky, maybe she will share some snacks :)


Anonymous said...

wow, I was SO far off. next time tell us how big the jar is! congrats to Amanda!

seed reps said...

i know i know--we should have sent out the measurements! sorry about that. next time we will for sure but i promise that the jelly beans were standard sized (hopefully that helped). thanks so much for playing!