Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aron Norman's Zink Magazine Fashion Shoot: Ray of Light

They say zinc is a great vitamin to take to ward off a cold. Thankfully, spring is almost here but just to be on the safe side, a good dose of zinc isn't a bad idea ESPECIALLY when it is in the form of photographer Aron Norman's newest fashion shoot for ZINK Magazine.

Be sure to pick up a copy of his shoot in Zink Magazine this month to ward off any last minute sniffles and prepare yourself for some critical Spring Fashion.

1 comment:

Run With Fashion said...

Wow! I just recently discovered Zink magazine (last weekend) and i am absolutely in love with the creativity of each photographer ♥
Zink is my utmost favorite Fashion/photography magazine! ♥
As for these breath-taking photographs, i love how the 2nd Row photo,of the right page, the model gives off that she is under water when in fact she is not....BRILLIANT Photography!♥